In December 1983, Sveriges Television broadcast a one-hour TV special with The Spotnicks (Link to video with the TV-program)
During the preparation of the program, a man named Gösta Hansson did several interviews. They were filmed and then he wrote them down verbatim (!) on a typewriter to then selected which episodes would be included in the program.
Gösta Hansson was also responsible for the program’s script in its entirety.
It is Björn Thelin, Bob Lander, Bo Winberg and Jimmie Nicol who are interviewed and tell their stories.
One can ask why Ove Johansson, Derek Skinner and Peter Winsnes didn’t get some time in the program as well as Magnus Hellsberg and Tommy Tausis and maybe a few more.
In retrospect, it is stated that it was impossible to get the group’s (then) more than 20-year career into 45 minutes (the last quarter of an hour was a concert with the current constellation at the time). It would have required significantly longer program time for that.
Everything that was recorded was not shown in the TV show but has been some well-kept ”secrets” until now.
Here below are transcripts of the original notes and basically nothing has been changed other than corrections of spelling errors and various edits for better readability.
Click on the names under the pictures below if you want to read the respective people’s stories:
Björn Thelin & Bob Lander | Bo Winberg | Bob Lander | Björn Thelin | Jimmie Nicol |
A BIG THANK YOU to Lenah Winberg for the donation to the Swedish Rock Archive of both Gösta Hansson’s notes and his TV program script!
I apologize for possible poor English. The translations are made with the help of Google translation.