The Spotnicks at ’Västra gymnastiksalen’ (also called ’S2-salen’) – in Karlsborg, Sweden, on March 19, 1966 Platsen är en gymnastikhall för militärgarnisonen och som var ett mycket populärt dansställe som lockade de bästa banden i Sverige varje helg – The Spotnicks var frekventa gäster under 60-talet. The place is a gym for the military garnison which became a very popular dance floor every weekend with the best bands in Sweden performing – The Spotnicks was … Läs mer – Continue reading
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The Spotnicks & The Shadows jam session on July 20-21, 1965 The musicians meets in Bo Winberg’s home at Kopparslagaregatan in Gothenburg after The Shadows had finished their concert at Liseberg. ”The sound could be heard all the way to Kungsbacka” Foto/Photo & Copyright: Hans Sidén ©.
Läs mer - Continue readingThe Spotnicks in Vejbystrand, Sweden, June 7, 1964 Foto/Photo: Agne Nilsson, Tack till/Thank’s to: Börje Norén
Läs mer - Continue readingThe Spotnicks first performance on TV, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1962 When the band participated in the TV show ”Nya ansikten” (New faces) from Gothenburg in 1962, they took on space suits that they borrowed from a revue by Povel Ramel.
Läs mer - Continue readingThe Spotnicks at Olympia (Musicorama) in Paris, France, November 28, 1962
Läs mer - Continue readingThe Spotnicks at ’Folket Hus’ in Oslo, Norway, October 15, 1965 Tack till Tom Sunde i Norge – tidigare sekreterare i The Norwegian Spotnicks Fan Club – som har skickat över den här bilden från repetitionerna inför Jimmie Nicol’s allra första spelning med The Spotnicks!
Läs mer - Continue readingThe Spotnicks at ’Folkets Hus’ in Oslo, Norway, May 15, 1964 Tack till Tom Sunde i Norge – tidigare sekreterare i The Norwegian Spotnicks Fan Club – som har skickat över dessa bilder!
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